What is more valuable than your soul?
June 7, 2023
As Jesus went around teaching in Israeli and the surrounding territory, He spoke often of the kingdom of God. He taught that it was at hand, and He urged his followers to strive to enter it. In several different conversations and sermons, He told those who would follow Him that there was nothing that was of more value in this world than being a kingdom citizen. That was an important message to His followers then and to us now.
In Matthew 13, Jesus told two short but profound parables that provide insight into the value of the Kingdom of God and how its value compares to the things of this world: the parable of the hidden treasure and the parable of the pearl of great price. In both narratives, Jesus imparts a powerful message about the pricelessness of the Kingdom of God and how it surpasses everything else in life.
In the parable of the hidden treasure (Matthew 13:44), Jesus tells the story of a man who discovers a treasure hidden in a field. Overcome with joy, he hides the treasure again and goes off to sell all that he has to buy the field. There is an exuberant sacrifice in his actions: a forfeiture of all his possessions to claim something of immeasurable worth.
To amplify His point, the Lord immediately tells a second parable with the same moral, the parable of the pearl of great price (Matthew 13:45-46). In this parable, a pearl merchant, in his quest for fine pearls, finds one of exceedingly high value. He decides to sell all that he has to purchase it. This merchant, discerning and knowledgeable, is willing to sacrifice all his current assets for the superior value inherent in this singular, perfect pearl.
Both parables revolve around the same theme: the incomparable worth of the Kingdom of God. It surpasses all earthly wealth, ambition, or desire. The protagonists in both narratives recognize the overwhelming value in what they have found and are willing to surrender all their earthly possessions to possess it. It is a radical and absolute commitment that completely redefines their lives.
Through these parables, Jesus emphasizes the transcendent worth of pursuing the Kingdom of God. Like the man who stumbles upon the hidden treasure or the merchant who finds the perfect pearl, we are called to seek and value God’s kingdom above all else. This might require sacrifice, as it did in the parables, but the reward far outweighs the cost.
In our own lives, what does this look like? It could mean setting aside personal ambitions, worldly possessions, or societal norms to fully embrace a life centered on God's will. It involves seeing the Kingdom of God as our ultimate treasure, our pearl of great price, worth every sacrifice and every surrender.
These parables also portray a robust image of joy. In both narratives, the individuals are overjoyed at their discoveries. There's an infectious excitement, a deep, resonating joy that propels their actions. This joy springs from the recognition of the immense value of what they've found - the Kingdom of God.
This joy should be mirrored in our own pursuit of God’s Kingdom. Even amidst the trials and sacrifices that such a pursuit might entail, the joy of gaining something of infinite worth should motivate and sustain us. Jesus is presenting us with an optimistic, hopeful image of what it means to truly value the Kingdom of God.
Additionally, these parables expose a profound mystery. Both the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price were discovered unexpectedly. They were stumbled upon during the course of regular life. It reinforces the understanding that the Kingdom of God is not merely a distant, future reality, but a present and hidden reality that can be discovered and entered into here and now.
These two parables present an urgent and compelling vision of the Kingdom of God's immense value. Through them, Jesus urges us to reorder our lives and priorities in light of His kingdom’s overwhelming worth. The parables are both an invitation and a challenge: an invitation to recognize and value the Kingdom of God above all else, and a challenge to allow that recognition to transform how we live.
Remember that each one of us, in our journey through life, can stumble upon that field or find that perfect pearl. When we do, may we, like the people in Jesus' parables, recognize the infinite value before us and joyfully reorient our lives to fully embrace it. In the words of Jesus, "what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?" (Matthew 16:26). There is nothing in this life that is worth more than the Kingdom of God. It is the ultimate treasure, the most precious pearl.